
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What about me?

Taking “me” time while being a Stay-at-home mom is sometimes difficult. A lot of my “me” time is actually still spent with Sophia close by.  Sophia will be 6 months old next week and I haven’t been away from her for more than 2 hours since she was born. Those long 2 hours happened when she was about a month old and I was a bridesmaid in a wedding. The husband said she was happy for the first hour and then cried for a good hour. You see, Sophia isn’t a bottle feeder. She’s hated it from the moment we introduced them. She’s taken pumped breast milk from a bottle a total of 3 times; once from my mom and twice from me. That’s it. I’ve left Angelo with Sophia and a bottle a hand full of times and always come back to a full bottle and a crying baby. She just won’t do it. We totally gave up on the bottle thing around Christmas time. She is officially an “Exclusively Breast fed” baby. We’ve fed her Organic rice cereal a couple of times, which she’s been more interested in chewing on the spoon than the actual cereal. We will start feeding her other solids after her 6-month doctor’s appointment coming up.

Even though Sophia is with me during almost all waking hours of the day, I do not neglect myself what-so-ever. I get laundry done, keep the house semi-clean, and still have some attention left to give our two dogs, Bella & Rome. This activity jumper and mat have been a lifesaver in the fact that they keep Sophia occupied for hours. 

For my body –Running with the Jogging stroller, At home Workout DVDs, Having a friend personal train me in a small PowerPlate studio while Sophia watches/sleeps close by in her car seat. Booking a 60min massage while my mom or Angelo have Sophia, Getting a pedicure with some friends.

For my mind– Writing this blog,  Driving in the car listening to music while Sophia sleeps in her car seat, Reading a book while I’m breastfeeding, Watching a movie with the husband while Sophia sleeps, Running with the jogging stroller

For Sophia – Gymboree Learn & Play has multiple benefits since she’s not in Daycare, Running with the jogging stroller gets her out in some fresh air, Putting her on the carpet with a blanket and some toys by herself (I’m always close by) helps her discover and soothe herself. 

Happy Hump day to everyone! The weekend is in sight!


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