
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Winner Winner...

Avocado dinner!

Sophia had her 6-month doctor's appointment yesterday. 
The good news: we can start introducing solid foods other than rice cereal! 
The bad news: she had to get some vaccines. The shots always make nighttime dreadful. She slept fine until about 4am, then I was up with her on and off until 7am when I finally called it quits and got out of bed. She gets really fussy and runs a slight fever the day/night of getting her shots. A little dose of Infant Acetaminophen makes her all better. 

We went to the grocery store and bought some avocados and carrots to try for her first solid foods. I mashed up half an avocado which made about 2.5 oz. I only fed her 0.5oz this time and froze the rest. We will wait to see if she has any bowel/stomach trouble and try again tomorrow. We were told to only try one new food a week, so we will start steamed/mashed carrots next week. 

Excited to see what that green stuff is

She likes it!!

Tomorrow is Friday!!! 
Love, Alex

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