
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pool days

This week is a big blur already, it's Tuesday and I feel like such a cluster...I keep thinking it's Wednesday or Thursday for some reason. Maybe because we've been on vacation mode today and hanging out by the pool! It was a little on the cloudy side today but still nice!

Last night we went to Girl's Night at Tijuana Flats. FYI: I think they sprinkle crack on their tortilla chips.! After dinner we walked over to YouSayWhen Yogurt Shop to stuff ourselves a little more.Sophia loves girl's night.

This morning we had our coffee with coconut milk again and this "energy bar" made with oatmeal, craisins, almonds, coconut, and a few other dried fruit & nuts. We went on a 4 mile run about an hour after breakfast so Sophia could take a nice little nap. 

We made a stop at my parent's house where my mom had pureed some Plums for Sophia to try. This was her reaction when I gave her some pre-puree. She liked them a lot better once they were pureed.  She had the same reaction to apples. She didn't like them to be the texture of applesauce so I had to almost liquefy them for her to eat. 
Then we finally made our way to the neighborhood pool with a friend! The water was a bit chilly, but Sophia didn't mind. Isn't it weird how kids like to swim in water that feels freezing to us adults? There were about 5 other kids playing in the pool, while all the adults were out basking in the sun. 
I really need to find something for Sophia to play in by the pool, like a portable pack-n-play. (Those pack-n-plays are not so portable, I don't care what anyone else says)  I'll have to take a look on Amazon tonight to see what they have because I see a lot of pool days in our future! Right now we have a little cabana type thing but it's for kids over 1 yr old. Any suggestions? 

Hope everyone has a terrific Tuesday, what's left of it. Dinner is up in the air tonight, I'm pooped after the pool ;)


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