
Friday, March 16, 2012

Stay at or Get out of - the house - Mom

Yesterday after taking a 4 mile jog, we baked these delicious creations:
Almond biscotti dipped in chocolate & BACON!  I’m on a biscotti frenzy! I love having a biscotti or 2, or 3 with my morning latte. ;) After eating the left-over chocolate covered bacon (SO GOOD), we went to visit our friend Angela who had her 2 little nephews over. Sophia loves to sit back and watch the boys run around performing their wrestling moves. Pure entertainment.

Last night we were all super lazy. Angelo came home tired after work, so I baked a pizza with whole wheat crust topped with turkey pepperoni & onions. I also had a spinach salad with Annie’s dressing. 
After devouring the pizza, we sat on the couch where both Angelo & Sophia passed out. I watched The Office & Up All Night, then called it a night and put everyone to bed :)

Before Sophia was born I worked at a doctor-supervised weight loss clinic as an Administrative Assistant and Nutritional Counselor.  I had some majorly fun times in there with my co-workers. If I was up for writing out all the comical situations that went down in that clinic, I think I would have a pretty funny best-seller. If you would have seen the break-room at that weight loss clinic, you would have died. While our patients were losing weight, my coworkers and I were slowly gaining. I actually gained a good 5 lbs in the 2 years that I worked there. 
Side note:  It baffles me that so many people think there is a magic pill or short cut to losing weight. There’s not. It’s calories in vs calories out. (Through exercise, not throw up) LOL.
Since June, I’ve been a stay-at-home-wife & mom. I do some side-work for my brother on the computer but that’s only about 5 hrs a week and I can get it done pretty fast while Sophia naps.  I am VERY blessed to be able to stay home with Sophia and I plan to stay home and raise all my children. I’ve thought about getting a job here and there but if I don’t have to then why? I will be forever grateful to even have the choice. I know not everyone has this choice and there are those who do have a choice and choose to work. They need that “adult interaction”.
The key to being a stay-at-home-mom is not to stay at home. Of course you need adult interaction when raising kids.  I get out of the house every day even if it’s just for a jog, but there are also days that I feel like staying at home cuddling with Sophia in my pjs until 3p.m.

Today we had our workout at the Power Plate Studio, went downtown to the market, which was taken over by a high school thespian convention, so we ended up going to have lunch at a place called First Watch. We stopped by Angelo’s work for some business stuff then came home and crashed on the couch to watch Marley & Me. Love the movie, hate the ending….So sad :( The dogs love it too!

Hope you all had a Fantastic Friday! What Friday isn't fantastic?! Is anyone running a Shamrock run this weekend for St.Patty's day? We didn't sign up for one but will create our own! 


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