
Monday, March 26, 2012

Weekend Away

Hey! Long time, no see. Sorry about that, but Sophia, my mom, & I took a trip 2 hours south to Fort Myers to visit family for the weekend. Almost all of my mom’s side of the family live there (rest of them live in Ohio), so we caught up with my grandpa, aunts, uncles, and cousins. We forgot to pack our laptop along with a few other things , but it probably wouldn’t have fit in our packed car anyways. And to speak the truth, I didn’t miss it. 

When I last saw you guys it was Thursday. We went on a 4 mile run on this lovely path.
I like it because a lot of the way is shaded by these gigantic trees.  Later on we went to happy hour at Bonefish Grill for drinks & apps. We had ceviche with tortilla chips to start then I had the Bang Bang Shrimp tacos. That bang bang sauce is incredible!
Friday morning we woke up and went to a Power Plate workout, then Sophia & I picked up my mom to head to Ft.Myers. With me driving we made it in record time, probably because I was starving. Once in town, we ended up at a little Mediterranean cafĂ© where we split a gyro and hummus appetizer. Then, in the hot beaming sun, we were spectators at my cousin’s tennis tournament.

Saturday, Sophia & I spent most of the day with my mom & aunt running around shopping at various different stores. At night, a lot of the fam met up at a waterfront bar to watch OhioState beat Syracuse! Go Bucks! My family is that loud obnoxious group taking up half the bar all dressed in red. Gotta love em.

Sunday, we went to a late breakfast/brunch with a group of 8 to a little mom-n-pop breakfast place called Annie’s. I had the Protein Banana pancakes (called Banana Whammies) and Sophia had a mashed up banana. After the 2 hr drive back home I felt kind of crumby & had the urge to hit the pavement. I had planned to get a run in on Saturday morning, but after a not-so-good night’s rest I wasn’t up for it. The rest of the day was spent doing laundry and hanging out watching some basketball games. Looks like Ohio State will face Kansas in the FINAL FOUR!  Dinner was an easy peasy gigantic salad, which we munched on while watching 60 minutes. 

Today! We are going to our power plate workout then running lots of errands, trying to get some more stuff done to our office (almost finished!) and other odds & ends for Angelo’s new business. Hope you all had a marvelous weekend! Sorry we neglected, but sometimes you just need a good break from the computer.


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