
Monday, May 21, 2012

Italian candy shop

Last week Angelo was sick when he got back from the Dominican. He then passed it to Sophia who was running a fever last Wed & Thurs, now I have it. Nice eh? I don't really feel that bad except a slight headache, stuffy nose & scratchy throat.
Being sick sucks because it messes with my appetite. Breakfast this morning was kinda small. Just a little ol muffin & couple pieces of fruit. That glass is you see if half water, half aloe vera juice! 

Yesterday was quite the day. We left home around 10am, pretty early for us on a Sunday. We went to the Boat Show at the fairgrounds for about an hour. There, we took turns carrying Sophia around because we forgot the stroller. Talk about a back breaker. 
After the walking around and dreaming about our future boat, back home we went for the stroller, then off to the Farmer's Market which was past the airport (not the quickest drive from home). We couldn't find this "Farmer's Marker" for about 20 minutes, U-turn after U-turn. Then we found it, a measly little market with about 9 stands and a guy playing a banjo. I think we were there about 5 minutes. Our long trip over there wasn't wasted through! We found an Italian market right across the street. Angelo was running around this market like a kid in a candy shop! All the cheeses, pastas, Italian cookies, meats, wine, etc, etc made him all giggly. haha
We got lots of veggies to grill and cheese to bring over to my parents house to watch the Miami Heat game.
I read the newspaper, twitter, and drank Italian wine with my mom while Angelo & my dad watched the game and Sophia slept. 

This morning Sophia & I are off to go workout at the PowerPlate studio, then back home for some laundry & chores, then Girl's night lata! Fun stuff! 


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