
Friday, August 29, 2014

TGIFriday Finds

Happy Friday y'all!

You know it’s going to be a good day when it starts with an office delivery of Chic-fila chicken biscuits from a shipping rep. Thumbs up to you Susan!

With school starting this week, this week has flown by! I’m looking forward to this 3 day weekend, even though it’s supposed to rain the entire weekend. That’s Floirda for ya!
Next week is already looking bright with Monday off! All weeks are better when Mondays are off right? But then Tuesday is more like a Monday and it screws you all up. What can ya do?!

Let’s bring the week to an end with some TGIFriday finds…

Pittsburg Steeler’s Brett Keisel fishes with kids. This little boy's excitement melts my heart!

We’re still in August with 1000 degree weather, but Starbucks blew the pumpkin can wide open already with the release of the Pumpkin Spice Latte. Pumpkin every where!!

Have a great weekend & make something pumpkin peeps!

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