
Friday, September 12, 2014

Protein Puppy Chow

Heyyyyy!!! It's FRIIIDAY!!! What a week it's been! I feel like this is the first day I actually get to get some work done. I mean thats not 100% true, because let's be honest...I'm not getting any work done right now either. :)

Needless to say, I'm glad its Friday and the weekend is full of fun stuff! We're celebrating my Sister-in-law's big dirty 30 birthday this weekend! 

Before Friday came and made us all excited, I made this Puppy chow that also made us I wanted to share this super easy and glorious recipe with ya. 

My first experience with puppy chow (that I can remember) was in middle school when my friend’s mom made it after school one day.  I remember it being TREMENDOUSLY good, but never recreated it myself. I always see it around during holiday season (coming up close!!!) at parties or as little holiday gifts from coworkers and neighbors. If you’re not familiar with the traditional Puppy chow, it’s usually Chex cereal with butter, peanut butter, chocolate, and powdered sugar caked on it. All that good stuff.

I’ve been going through a cereal phase lately and Barbara’s Puffin cereal was on sale at Publix 2 for $5. Sold! Load em up! With 4 boxes of Puffin cereal, and a Pinterest full of puppy chow ideas, I bring you Protein Puppy Chow. Much healthier than the traditional kind so shove handfuls in your mouth eat them like a lady with no guilt!! (Well not SO much guilt…) Addicting!!!! 

What you’ll need:
6 tbsp Chocolate PB2
4 tbsp water
2 ½ cups Puffin Cinnamon cereal
1 Scoop JP+ Vanilla Complete powder

What you do:
In a bowl, mix together PB2 and water.
Add in the cereal and mix until completely covered.
Pour cereal into large gallon sized bag and pour complete powder into bag.
Place In freezer for about an hour


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