
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Fall Bucket List

Hi guys! Can you really believe its October?! I mean, I know everyone and their mom is saying that, but really! We’re in the fourth quarter of 2014! Let’s all pretend we’re in a cool football movie and the fourth quarter is what we live for! It’s time to shine peeps! J  

What goals do you want to accomplish before the New Year? If you have a few realistic goals left pending for the year, it’s time to really bunker down and get them done!

I have a few and I think these next couple months are going to be absolutely fantastic! There’s no other kind of attitude than positive round’ here.

As I peel back September’s page off my calendar, and start writing down everything that’s happening in October, it’s safe to say it feels like there’s just never enough time…and it only gets busier in November and December. Holidays & parties galore on the horizon. A little overwhelming eh? No worries. Whatever is on your calendar, don't forget to just enjoy the season that is Fall. Everything is so pretty this time of year!

I found this Fall Bucket List on and wanted to share it. 

Some may not be realistic for my fellow Florida people. Piles of leaves and crisp Fall air may be hard to find, and wearing Uggs in Florida is just silly (yeah I'm talking to you!),  but I'd like to try and mark as many as I can off this list.

Cheers to a wonderful Fall!! 


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