
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Halloween Candy is ruining me

Hey guys! Happy Hump Day!

It's officially the middle of the week and only 2 days away from Halloween, which means this Saturday is officially November! The holidays are about to be in full swing! Are you ready?! No? Me neither…

This is the time of year that usually means eating like complete crap, and I'll have to admit that I've been eating WAY too much candy/sugar these past few weeks. With Halloween candy exploding out of the grocery store aisles, I've been buying bags of my favorite Halloween candy: M&Ms, Reese's, and KitKats. 


1. Because it’s Halloween and I feel like it’s a must…even though I have no intention of actually using this candy for the purpose of Halloween. The candy is actually already all gone, sorry trick-or -treaters.

2. Because they’re on sale. But are they really? Why are bags of candy so dang expensive?!

3. Because the Reese’s are shaped like pumpkins. And pumpkin everything!!!

Since this candy has all come and gone in my life, I've been feeling a lot more sluggish and my running game has been less than mediocre. I've been VERY unmotivated to get any type of workouts in. The only reason I’m even still running is because the hubs still wants to go running so I've just been kind of tagging along.  

Candy…You’re really messing up my life!

I've decided that starting November 1st, I’m going to go on a sugar detox for a week. And only a week because Nelp’s 1st birthday is on November 8th and I will be eating candy corns (it’s a must). A week doesn't seem like much, but trust is. Especially during this time of year. ;)

Have you been indulging a little too much with Halloween candy? What is your favorite kind of candy? Are you feeling like it’s currently ruining your life? LOL 

Tonight, we’re finally going to carve some pumpkins!!! We've painted some and stuck stickers on some, but always have to have a carved one in the bunch!

Have a great Wednesday night!


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