
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Hummus Crusted Chicken

It's Tuesday?? Sorry, I've lost all track of what day it is. That's what happens when you have a sick toddler at home and  your To-Do list gets pushed aside. Aside from getting almost no work done, Nelpe's birthday party is this weekend and instead of running errands to get stuff ready for it, I'm at home giving cuddles to my two babies. No complaints, but my inner Last-Minute-Lucy will be probably be going frantic come Friday night. 

On Sunday night, I actually sat down and made a menu for the week. On the menu tonight was Hummus Crusted Chicken. Why I've never thought about baking chicken with hummus blows my mind. But here it is and it was good! Angelo and both girls ate it all up. Originally I planned on making my own hummus, but the night was not getting any younger and I just needed to get dinner in the oven. 
I put the chicken over a bed of kale & broccoli salad. Delicious.

Hummus Crusted Chicken
What you’ll need:
2 chicken breasts (cut length wise to create 4 flat filets)
Salt & Pepper
1 cup Roasted Red Pepper Hummus (any kind should do)
½ a lemon
1 tsp smoked paprika

What you do:
Preheat oven to 450.
Spay baking dish with cooking spray.
Pat the chicken filets dry with a paper towel. Season with salt and pepper as desired.
Lay the four filets in baking dish and cover each with hummus so entire filet is covered. (I did this with my hands)
Squeeze the juice of half a lemon over chicken.
Sprinkle with some paprika.
Bake for 25-30 minutes until chicken is fully cooked.


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