
Monday, December 29, 2014

Longest weekend ever & NYE Plans

The last Monday of 2014 and it feels exactly like a regular Monday. Everyone went back to work today but the kids are still out of school. So it's going to be a day of struggles between work and kids. Which is NEVER fun. 

This weekend felt like a week long. Probably because it has almost been a week since I've sat down at my work computer. 

On Saturday, we went to Fort Myers to hang out with the family we didn't see on Christmas. We made Olaf Snowcones, sang Kareoke, painted nails, and Sophia dressed up as 20 different princesses throughout the day. In other words, Sophia was in heaven. 
On Sunday we went to a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse themed birthday party. Sophia, again, was in heaven. 

Yesterday, before & after the birthday party, was a day of lounging and Angelo said "This feels like the longest day ever..." (which it did) and this morning he seemed a little too eager to go to work. :) He's my little workaholic. (Kinda)
He gets all fluttered that this week is being "messed up" by another holiday. Owning your own business is really hard, as I'm sure a lot of you know. It would be a lot easier if we could just take a 2 week vacation this time of year, but that's not possible...obvi!

Anyways, It's 2 days before New Years Eve and we still don't have plans. I'm taking my lack of plan making as a sign that I'd rather not really do anything outside of the home. Some of our friends told us they were going to celebrate NYE at 8pm and do fireworks with their kids. Some of our friends with newborns said they probably wont make it to midnight, and other friends (without kids) are partyin' it up somewhere cool and exciting! HA! Oh how the world turns! That'll be us someday again...because the world just keeps turning. 

What are your plans for NYE? 
Hope you have a wonderful and somewhat productive Monday!!


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