
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The weekend before Christmas

Hey world!! I know it's been a few days since my last post but things are serious over here! Like seriously  busy! 

I know it's probably like this for everyone (tis the season), but I have barely sat down at my computer since Thursday, and when I did yesterday for 2 hours, I tried with all my might to get some work done without going crazy over the 2 kids jumping on me asking for stuff every 7 seconds. Nearly impossible! But that's life and just keeps going. 

This past weekend was actually productive for me. Well Friday was. I dropped Sophia off at school and headed straight to the mall to get my Christmas shopping done. With almost no one there and a front row parking space, I got everyone finished except two people, who I'm going to finish today! Say a little prayer that actually happens.

Saturday was full of loads of laundry (the never ending job) and then FUN! We had a Parent's Night Out and went to dinner for Luisa's birthday. We went to Tryst Gastro Lounge in St. Petersburg. It was a real neat place and the food was outstanding! 
Since Luisa is CakePopsByLu and usually does all the cakepops for everyone's birthday, I knew I had to get her a special cake. Do you know where you go to get SPECIAL CAKES? Sweeties Delights Bakery in Valrico. No lie...the and then some. No one beats their WippyDip frosting. Don't even try because you will fail miserably :) 

Awwwww... :) 

Sunday, we went to a wedding, which had amazing food from Italian Kitchen! It was a cute intimate wedding, like 25 people, but was special none-the-less. I didn't get any pictures because Nelpe destroyed my phone screen on Saturday and I left my phone in my purse to ensure no glass splinters. I was trying to use my husband's phone to take pictures, but he was being so sneaky and wouldn't let me near his phone. After a couple hours, he goes outside and comes back with a new iPhone 6Plus for me!! SURPRISE! New Phone!! And it's BIIIGGG! I love it, even though it is taking some getting used to with that big ol' screen. My thumb is getting some serious stretch work in while I text. 

Yesterday was Luisa's actual birthday and I took the office some lunch and we had cake, sang, sat and talked and didn't get any work done  had some fun until it was time to head home and try to actually get work done. That was a FAIL, but I did get my desk somewhat organized, so I guess not an entire FAIL. I'll take what I can get...

This morning I am about to wake the girls up, get them pretty, and head over to the mall to get Santa pics. Last minute, I know, but Sophia's been in school and going to see Santa after school just never sounded like a good idea. 

If I don't get back to you before Christmas, I hope everyone has a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Spend time with the ones you love, or some really cool friends!!!


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