
Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday Faves

Today started off very productive. Got up, ate breakfast, got the girls up and dressed, and out the door by 7:30 to drop Sophia off at school. Nailed it! Then we came home and went out for a 12 mile run. Once that brutal torture was over, the day took a nose dive into wasteland. My legs ached and all I wanted to go was lay in bed in my pajamas. Since Nelpe agreed, we literally laid in bed for an hour before picking Sophia up from school. Who lays in bed at 1:00 in the afternoon for no other reason than you feel like it?! This girl. No shame.

So, why did we do a 12 mile run today? Because the NikePLUS coach told us to! Actually the run was scheduled for Saturday but this weekend is filled with work, kid's Gasparilla parade, and a bridal shower. Thus, the run got done this morning. Training success!

While laying in bed with legs oh so achy, I went on Amazon and invested in some energy gels. I don't know why I venture out on these runs without them. After this morning, I decided I can do no more long runs without some Gu! My energy tank starts flashing empty around mile 8, so for next weekend's 14 miler {ekk} I will have the gu to get me through! 

Things I'm lovin' on this Friday

Late Night Talk Shows
I am a fan of Jimmy Fallon, Andy Cohen, and Conan. I'm on all their teams when it comes to late night TV wars. I used to watch/DVR Jay Leno and still think he was one of the greatest, but Jimmy is coming in HOT and making a name for himself amongst the greats. 
This clip of Jimmy & Nicole Kidman put the biggest smile on my face.

Last night was one of those nights I could not get to sleep. I kept thinking about the 12 miles we were running in the morning and Sophia started coughing out of nowhere, so the tossing and turning started at 11:00 p.m. and the last time I looked at the clock it was already 1:40 a.m. YIKES! But, in the sleepless/hating myself stage, I watched some late night TV (which I'm lovin'..see above). J LO was on WWHL and can I just say that she is flawless? She's getting better with age and I could stare at her beauty for hours. 
All Hail J.Lo!
Friday Link Love:

And one last thing that I'm lovin' on this Friday: 

The word "Deflatriots". I think it's a hilarious name and when I first saw the hashtag I LOLed. Have you been keeping up with "Deflate Gate"? A brief summary for you: The New England Patriots allegedly slightly deflated their footballs during the second half of last Sunday's Championship game. Since it was raining, these deflated footballs were easier to grip for Mr. Tom Brady. Since they won the game, people are saying this was cheating. Which it is...if it's true. I don't really know or care, I just like the name Deflatriots. Catchy. 
If you're a New England Fan, click here.

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!! It's supposed to rain tomorrow, so if you're heading to the Kid's parade, stay dry!


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