
Monday, January 19, 2015

Weekend: Running & The Best Strawberry Shortcake you will ever find

Happy Monday folks! 
It's Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Sophia is out of school, and we've been lounging around in our jammies for the past couple hours. I'm getting some work done early this morning, then going to actually get dressed into a publicly acceptable outfit, I promise. But first, a weekend recap!

Friday after work we went on a 5 mile run, because we're listening to a "coach" for a run training plan and "coach" said we had to do 5 miles on Friday night. When we strolled up the house Angelo ran in to get water and I transferred the kids from the stroller to the car. We had to go to the grocery store for milk and eggs (breakfast items) and then go pick up a pizza for dinner. We needed  to "carb up" for our planned 14 mile run on Saturday. 

Angelo went to the office for a couple hours on Saturday morning, so I loaded up the girls and went to Costco. Costco is one of my favorite places to go. For one thing, they have double kid seats in their carts. That is a lifesaver, Costco, and I thank you! Plus, they always have new and exciting things to buy! Things you never knew you needed until you see them at Costco. For example, this huge teddy bear they had around Christmas time. There is no need for a teddy bear this big, but Costco somehow makes you feel that your child NEEDS one...or 3.

I needed to get the girl's energy out, so they'd happily sleep in the stroller on our long run. So we played on the playground and ran around the backyard for an hour or two. 
Angelo got home and we immediately left for our long run. We planned to do 14 miles...I mapped it out and everything. Around the 5 mile mark we ran into a huge hill. This hill looked gigantic. Angelo & I looked at each other with faces like "no way..." and turned into the nearest neighborhood. By the time we made it back home it was 11 miles and we called it good enough. I honestly look at Angelo in a whole new fitness light after he pushed that double stroller for that long. I took it from him for 0.6 miles and about died. It's basically pushing a 75 lb sled. Incredible.

The girls jumped out of the stroller (they napped the entire run) and played with some neighborhood friends while Angelo & I sat in our driveway with aching legs.We took it easy for what was left of the day.

Sunday, with nothing on the agenda, we made a drive to Brandon Farms, a local strawberry farm that opened a couple weeks ago. This is my favorite time of year in the area. Strawberry season! The whole reason I wanted to go to was to buy a Strawberry Pizza for dessert for our Sunday family dinner at my brother's house. When we go the the farm, it was cash only, so I rummaged in my purse and found $6. With that, I bought a strawberry milkshake, and half a shortcake. The best milkshake and shortcake you will ever find! Seriously, if you're around the Brandon/Plant City area (suburbs of Tampa, FL) you need to hit up a Strawberry farm during the months of January - March. 

For the Seattle/GreenBay football game, we went to my brother's house and grilled chicken sausages, steak, sweet potatoes, and brussel sprouts. My parents brought a salad from their TowerGarden (theirs are  much more impressive than mine) and we all went crazy at the Seattle win. Did you watch? Crazy game!
FYI: Mustard goes with everything. 

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

What activities did you do this weekend?


1 comment:

  1. Your weekend sounds wonderful! I'm not all that close to Brandon but I am close enough for a visit to a strawberry farm! That sounds fun
