
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fruits n Veggies

Breakfast for me is basically the same every day. With Sophia, my breakfast has to be quick and easy and always consist of a cup of coffee. Just to clarify, my “cup of coffee” is exactly 6oz almond milk, 2oz coffee, and 2 packets of Truvia. I look forward to it every morning. Now what goes with my coffee differs. It is usually one of the following or a combination of Kashi Go-Lean Crunch cereal, Kashi 7-Grain waffle, 1 egg, banana, biscotti, toast, egg sandwich, peanut butter toast, oatmeal, etc. What doesn’t change is that I always wash it down with a big glass of water with my JuicePlus+ (JP).

Homemade Almond Biscotti atop cup o' java

I’ve been taking JP everyday since the week I found out I was pregnant in December 2010. Even though I eat lots of fruits and vegetables, I don’t think I come close to the recommended 7-13 serving a day. Some days I probably don’t get any :-/ Taking JP is an easy way for me to add more nutrition from fruits and vegetables to my diet.  JP is backed by numerous scientific studies conducted by leading universities and hospitals around the world. I was introduced to JP about 5 years ago and took it whenever I remembered but wasn’t that dedicated. Once I got pregnant I knew it would be a good idea to start taking it every day along with a pre-natal vitamin for various reasons but most importantly to boost my immune system since it was being compromised by the growing human inside me. I had a GREAT pregnancy with no complications whatsoever and give much credit to JuicePlus+.  If you are interested here is a link to some of the JP clinical research results.


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