
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Review: Insantiy DVD Workout Program

I heard some stories about how hard the Insanity workout program was and some people actually getting hurt from jumping into it “unprepared”. How does someone prepare them self for a new workout regime? Well, I've always been pretty active and walked/jogged almost every day until the week I gave birth. I started jogging/running again when I got the clearance from my doctor, which was about 3 weeks before I started Insanity.
When I started the Insanity DVD program I was 8 weeks post-partum. I did the program from beginning to end, only missing about 5 out of the 54 workouts. I was sore for about a month straight but not to the point where I couldn’t do the workout.  My baby Sophia loved watching me do the exercises while she sat in her bouncer or lounger and since it was only 30-45 minutes she didn’t get bored and start fussing. I guess she loved watching me jump up and down, breathing heavily, on the verge of collapse. ;)

Amazing workout with ShaunT as your trainer
Never gets “easy” therefore I never got bored with it
Can push yourself as little or as much as you want
Can do the workout at home or on vacation because it requires little space
Videos are under an hour long
A day off per week
Good stretching routine during and at the end of the videos
No equipment required. I used a yoga mat for pushups and such since I was on my living room tile.
Not for people who have knee or joint issues since the exercises are high-impact
Music isn’t the best. Sometimes I wore my iPod when I needed some extra motivation
My results: I lost a total of 17 lbs of flab. I tightened up my stomach, arms, butt, and thighs. Improved my speed, endurance, and flexibility.  
BEFORE                           AFTER

Love, Alex

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