
Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Happy Hump Day or Work-it-out Wednesday! Always the latter one for me ;) 
This morning we went to the usual Power Plate workout then met up for lunch with our favorite husband/daddy at Tropical Smoothie Café. I usually go to Tropical Smoothie every Wednesday in between PowerPlate & Gymboree, but Gymboree got canceled today so I asked Angelo to come join us. I am in love with the Peanut Paradise smoothie! 

I officially have a teething baby on my hands. Drool & fussiness galore. I had to run an errand to pick up some documents from Clearwater which is about an hour away from here and Sophia cried almost the.entire.way.back. OW! She even lost her voice from crying so much. Poor baby…I hate when she cries in the car seat when I’m driving alone because I can’t crawl back there and try to sooth her. I know she was in pain from her teeth coming in so there’s nothing I really could of done until we got back home.. When we did come screeching into the driveway on 2 wheels (jk…kinda), I put some BabyOrajel on her bottom gums and she almost immediately went down for a nice hour nap. That was yesterday.

Today after lunch we went to BuyBuyBaby to get some teethers. I think Bella & Rome are hiding or possibly ate all the other ones they’ve found on the ground. BuyBuyBaby is almost as dangerous as Target. Go in for 1 item, come out with 20. 
I found this recipe on on WholesomeBaby and I'm going to give it a try tonight. 
Eggless Baby Cereal Cookies 
1 cup flour
1 cup baby cereal
1 cup juice
Mix ingredients well. Roll out and cut into shapes. Bake for 20-30 min @ 350 deg. F.
Freezes Well *Dough will be very sticky and seem "wrong" and may be hard to work with. This is as it should be so do not panic. You may wish to add more flour and/or cereal to achieve a more doughy consistency.*

This afternoon we’re off to do some business errands, then back home to mop these dirty floors. So gross. Hope everyone is having a great week so far! Can you believe April is ending?!


G is for  GYMBOREE
We go to Learn&Play classes once a week. Sophia graduated Level 1 and is now in Level 2 classes. I really enjoy bringing her because we meet so many moms and babies. Sophia isn’t in daycare or any sort of thing like that so there’s no where else she would get that kind of interaction. (Hopefully my friends will start popping out kids…)  Right now, almost all the kids in her class are crawling. There is usually one little boy who is the “leader” and starts crawling away from the group, then the rest of the adventurers go crawling after him. Sophia likes to crawl up to the others and try pulling their name stickers off their backs. She’s a little sticker thief. It just keep getting cuter and cuter

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