
Monday, April 23, 2012

Vast Desert

Aaaaaand it’s Monday again!
It was just a regular Monday morning around here eating my Steel Cut Oats with ½ banana & walnuts…then I heard the news that Guiliana & Bill Rancic are expecting a baby!  SO HAPPY for them! I got chills when they announced it on The Today Show this morning.

Saturday was such a fun day! We went on our usual “Saturday Six” mile run and my brother, his wife, my best friend, and her husband joined! The best part of getting a group of people together to go for a run is having lunch with them afterwards! South Tampa is such a neat place when it comes to restaurants. There are so many unique places, not many chain restaurants. Saturday night we went to dinner & a show at the Colombia, a famous Spanish restaurant in Tampa since 1905.The have flamingo dancers who perform while you eat, which was perfect to keep Sophia entertained. 
Sophia & I watching the performance before our food came.

Sunday we FINALLY finished painting the house after a trip to the grocery store & Lowes. Everything except the beds/baths is a matching beige color now called ‘Vast Desert’. Perfectly named.  I was really hesitant at first because I thought it would be really boring and the color was advertised as a color for a garage...but It actually does make the house look better. I made Sophia some sweet potatoes for the week & spaghetti squash for dinner. Angelo really likes the spaghetti squash as a replacement for a huge plate of pasta. That’s a WIN!

F Is for
FIRST Birthday!

Ooooh man! Sophia’s first birthday is all I think about lately.  I have been glued to Pinterest (more than usual) and I have a bajillion ideas for what to do. It’s like planning a wedding all over again! Lol
I love the feeling fresh flowers give to a home. Once & a while I’ll get flowers from my love and other times I buy my own flowers to give the house a little pick me up. These are my anniversary from Angelo

We are the first couple in our group of friends to have a baby, so our relationships have changed. We obviously don’t go to the bar or club anymore but we still try and hang out with them just as much by having dinners together or just hanging out at each other’s house. Pretty soon there will be more members in the baby club!
I love my little family more than I can explain and I can’t wait to see it grow.  I ‘m amazed at how I can almost actually feel my heart getting bigger and bigger with joy.

Hope everyone has a marvelous Monday! We are going to workout on the Power Plate this morning followed by a walk then random errands & projects around the house until a Relay for Life event at a local restaurant tonight in honor of my best friend's mom who is a Breast cancer survivor!


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