
Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Whoa…long time no post eh? So much going on over here....ready? go!

I haven’t been home much the past week due to Angelo having to rush out of town to the Dominican Republic. I had some friend’s stay with me Wednesday & Thursday night, then stayed at my parent’s house Friday night.
Saturday Sophia turned 9 months old!!

To celebrate, we went to Siesta Key, Sarasota with my parents to watch my brother & sis-in-law do the Florida Triathlon.

then we hung out on the beach the rest of the day. 
Angelo wasn’t due back home until around midnight (had to drive from Miami airport) so I rented some movies & snuggled up on the couch with a cup of ice cream & a beer until he got home. It was just one of those days…

Sunday (MOTHER’S DAY!) was absolutely PERFECT! Sophia woke me up with a gift, we ate a bagel for breakfast, went on a 6 mile run in Tampa, stopped for lunch at a schnazzy place called Datz. Any place who serves Monkey Bread is a keeper in my book. After lunch we stopped by the grocery store to pick up some steaks & SkinnyGirl Pina Colada to bring over to my brother’s house were my family had dinner & drinks out on their patio. Again…Perfect.

Monday Angelo stayed home from work sick, must of picked something up in the DR. So Sophia & I left the house in the morning to go workout & run some errands. When Angelo started to feel better I picked him up and we went to run some more errands. Monday night at GNO, we went to Tijuana Flats (I love their Tacos!).

Yesterday was kind of a boring day as I started to feel kind of crappy myself. Sophia & I went on a run in the morning, then just hung out on the couch until lunch time when we brought Angelo some soup, then went to pick up our Dealer License (FINALLLLLLY…only took 2 months) from the DMV. 

On today's agenda we're going to go workout, Gymborree class, the mall to get some links taken out of my watch (Mother's Day present), then to a friend's house to help her with some computer problems. Fun Stuff all around. 

Hope you guys have been having a productive week! 

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