
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Sophia the Gate Keeper

Work-it-Out Wednesday! Hey Hey!

This morning was a Mango-banana smoothie for breakfast with an alternative bagel. I was skeptical about these bagels but they’re actually pretty good & the perfect size.
Almond milk, JP complete vanilla protein, almond butter, mango, banana, ice.

Yesterday was a very relaxing day, very unusual for a Tuesday. Sophia & I hung out at home all day after taking our morning run. She took 2 1-hour long naps and I got a lot of organizing done in the office. Then Sophia played gate-keeper with the doggies outside. 

Lunch time came around & I made a Southwestern chicken salad with some left overs from Cinco De Mayo. The dogs had a Mexican fiesta in their bowls this morning with the rest of the left overs . I’ll only eat leftovers a day or 2 afterwards.
Spring mix, crockpot fajita chicken, brown Mexican rice, black beans, carrots, avocado, salsa. 

This morning we’re going to Work-it-Out at the PowerPlate studio, followed by another workout session at Gymboree. ;) Hope you all have a productive Wednesday! What are you doing to Work-it-Out today?!

N is for..
Never stopping
Parenting is really a 24/7 job for a stay-at-home mom.  Sometimes you need a breather & a little time for yourself. Other than working out, it's been hard for me to find that "me" time. 
Unfortunately this mommy never takes naps. I’ve never been a nap person as I always feel MORE tired after I take one.  The only time I actually nap is when I’m feeling a little under the weather. Other wise I’m working on the computer, doing laundry, or absorbed into Pinterest when Sophia takes her nap. Sophia isn’t the greatest napper either…her father on the other hand can nap, nap, and nap some more. 

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