
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Turtle Turtle

Happy Tuesday morning!

What a weekend! I felt like we were going at warp speed doing things around the house Thursday, Friday, & Saturday. Then Sunday felt like it was in slow motion because we were in our pajamas almost all day.

Friday night was spent cleaning the back patio since we got new pool furniture. My parents & Angelo’s mom came over to hang out for a couple hours. 

Saturday I cleaned the entire house like this. We were both drenched in sweat afterwards, but Sophia seemed to find it quite comfortable. 

Then we went to a friend’s pool to celebrate Cinco de Mayo with some sun & Skinnygirl Margaritas. 

Sunday we lounged around the house until the afternoon, when we visited our turtle friends (we shout "tuuurtle tuuuurtle" when we see their little heads swimming over) on a hot & sweaty run in the afternoon heat. These big fellas always come and greet us at the edge of the pond at our turn around spot.

Monday morning I did a different type circuit workout with the punching bag, rowing machine, box jumps, and ropes instead of the usual Power Plate. Afterwards we went to JoAnn’s for supplies for a few craft projects (pics to come) and the grocery store to stock up for the week. Girl’s night was at a place called Green Iguana ($5 burger Mondays) & Menchies for dessert!

This morning we’re up early doing some stuff online for the new business while enjoying breakfast.

Cinnamon spice Alternative Bagel (link) for coffee dipping with a bowl of strawberries, blueberries, & mango.

Hope you have a great day! 

M is for…
“The hardest job in the world, is the best job in the world.” This ProcterGamble commercial says it all.

Mother’s Day is this Sunday!
I'm going today to find my mom that 'perfect gift'  ;) & this Saturday I’m spending the day at the beach with my mom! 
Have you seen THIS, telling everyone to say NO to the usual celebrations of Mother’s Day. 

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